Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: 3 Tips for Moving and Packing Mirrors Without Breaking Them

Although the thrill of moving into a new home and living in a new environment may seem attractive, most Americans would agree that the process of moving from an old home to a new one is extremely stressful, so much so that some people claim that moving is more stressful than having a baby. A huge part of the stress comes from having to know how to properly move and pack different items and personal belongings.

4 Items You Need to Prepare Carefully Before Putting Them in Storage

A well-designed, well-maintained storage unit should protect your items from the elements. However, there may still be some fluctuations in temperature and humidity or pests in a storage unit to worry about. So, while basic items like pots, pans, and chairs might be just fine being tossed into a storage unit and then pulled out a few months later, there are other items that you’ll want to prepare carefully before placing them in storage.

An In-Depth Guide To Getting The Best Moving Quotes

Choosing a company to handle your moving needs means more than good service. It also means finding a mover who offers the best deal. Getting the best quote could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars during your move. The following offers a few pointers on getting quotes from prospective moving companies. You’ll also learn how you can use this information to choose the most affordable mover for your budget.