Protecting Your Piano During A Move

Moving a piano can be difficult due to the size and weight of the instrument, and hiring a piano moving company can help to ensure that your piano arrives safely at your new home. As you prepare to move, there are some things you can do to provide added protection for the piano. Here are a few helpful tips you can use to get the instrument ready for moving day.

How To Properly Pack A Computer For A Move

Your computer is arguably the one appliance in your home that you spend the most amount of time using. However, like all other electrical appliances, computers are actually relatively fragile, which means that when you are moving to a new home, you need to make sure that your computer is properly packed so that it does not become damaged in transit. Thankfully, this is a fairly straightforward process. Properly Packing a Computer

How Can You Get Reimbursement For Lost Or Damaged Goods In Storage?

Many people worry about the safety and security of their items in self-storage facilities. Even with round-the-clock guards, state-of-the-art locks, and video surveillance in place, many people only get satisfied if they know they will be reimbursed if their items get stolen or damaged. Here are three ways you can guarantee reimbursement for your damaged or stolen goods in a storage facility: Via Your Home Insurance Standard homeowner’s or renters insurance include off-premises coverage, which protects your personal belongings that aren’tactually stored in your home.

The Dos And Don'ts Of Preparing For Professional Packers And Movers

Having a professional moving company pack your items in addition to moving them to storage units at a facility like Stevens Creek Storage can be a huge relief. It takes the stress out of having to spend a lot of time packing the items yourself. You still need to do a certain amount of preparation for professional movers, though. Here are the dos and don’ts when you are preparing for moving professionals to come pack and move your stuff.